We believe that in addition to making great coffee, we have a responsibility to our customers and local community to do everything we can to improve the lives of those that make our little business possible.
And so it’s with that context in mind, that we take our job very seriously. We’re incredibly passionate about being responsible with our sourcing, and considerate with our environmental impact. From sourcing raw beans from women’s cooperatives that ensure each worker is empowered and paid the right price, to using recycled materials for our marketing materials and packaging; we relish the opportunity to make a positive impact in our community, and take pride in bringing a little joy into our customer’s lives.

We always source our coffee from sustainable co-operatives. We put a lot of thought and care into selecting our beans from the very best farms, ensuring that not only our beans are of the highest quality, but are farmed in a way that is kind and non-destructive to the environment.

We believe that each cup you drink should come with the knowledge that the farmers who grew our beans were paid fairly for their skill and hard work. . We ensure that we only buy from farms and cooperatives that pay their workers a fair price. Many of our coffees are from women’s cooperatives, where we pay an additional premium which goes towards funding community projects.

We are working hard behind the scenes with the aim of one day becoming a carbon neutral business. In the meantime, we have been working with Offset Earth to carbon offset the things we do from day to day at Lands End Coffee.
Trees are planted every month (currently in Madagascar) which helps offset our travel and our day to day workings. You can track the progress at the bottom of our website and see how many trees we have so far funded. Or follow this link: